We support researchers at every step of their publication journey from manuscript preparation, editing, translation, formatting, figure preparation, journal recommendation, to preprint deposition and research promotion. As EditorialPark, we help authors to claim their novel ideas in respected scientific journals and conferences as early as possible and immediately start enjoying high visibility and impact. 


Author services

We offer cost-effective and reliable services for authors. 

•    Our language editing service improves readability and ensures that articles are free of language errors.

•    Our native bi-lingual experts can translate your papers into scientific English language for wide distribution.

•    Our experts can beautifully format the articles using the template of your target journal.

•    Our experts will recommend a suitable target for your paper.



EditorialPark publishes EP Archives, a multidisciplinary open access non-peer-reviewed repository that allows researchers of all scientific fields to immediately post their working papers, preprints, postprints, and ahead-of-prints to wide audience after a brief moderation and classification, free of charge without any embargo period. Authors of EP Archives enjoy the following benefits. 

•    Rapid dissemination of their research outputs

•    Free and permanent open access

•    Unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number

•    Easily citable highly visible

•    Timestamp the research

•    Retain copyright of their own works

•    Easy submission to participating peer-reviewed journals

•    Permanent link to peer-reviewed version of the article


Customization and support

We understand that each researcher has unique needs. We are here to help you achieve your publication goals.


For details on how we can help you, complete the author services application form or contact info@editorialpark.com.

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